The Alchemist Book Review by Paulo Coelho

It started with a question from a chat, what am I doing with my life? Which I said , I’m in the journey of finding my purpose, then a friend asked whether have I read The Alchemist? and I answered no. Well it was not the first time hearing about this book "The Alchemist" and about the author Paulo Coelho, when I go to the book store I hardly go to fiction books side as I read mostly non-fiction, though this best-seller has been on my to read for years and never read it, there’s a saying that says: "When a student is ready the teacher appears", I doubt I would have appreciated this book if I had read it years earlier because I wouldn’t have been able to comprehend the lessons packed in this book. I’ve read lots of books, articles and videos on the topic of purpose, this book is on the top of my list, it surpass even The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, It is a well written and powerful storytelling book, with every sentence as a pun...